Oh, Sweet Glorious Sleep
Those of you without children, enjoy your sleep now. That's SO cliche, isn't it? But seriously, the entire family slept through the night last night - although I'm sure Esposo got up seven times to pee because that's what he does. If he'd stop drinking the eighteen beers before bed maybe he wouldn't have this problem!??!
Anyway, yesterday was a banner day in the sleeping. Luke has not been sleeping well. After he stayed up for many hours at his cousin's first birthday party, we decided we would work at depriving him of sleep. See, before he had been waking up early, staying up for an hour, going back down for a half hour nap, then having a major nap in each the morning and afternoon.
We cut that little half hour nap from under him on Monday, and he took instead two solid naps. Monday night, though, he still woke up at 10:30, 11:30, and 4:30. Each time he wakes up, no matter who gets up with him (and more often than not, it's been Esposo, blessed man), we're both awake. We both lay there listening to him on the monitor trying to determine a) if he's going to wake fully and b) can we convince the other person to be the one to get out of bed.
So no matter what, you wake up.
Yesterday we sent him off to daycare, sans morning catnap, and after a restless night, and he went down for a nap there at 9:50. And then slept for three hours.
This child NEVER sleeps for three hours in a nap, so they were noticeably excited. Usually they have stories for me about how he resisted sleep for an hour or two.
But the three hour nap presented me with a dilemma, because he had woken at 1, and bedtime is 8, and that's seven hours. No afternoon nap for Luke.
Oh crap.
I loaded him in the car and ran a couple errands (fortunately, nothing I had to take him out of the car for), and he dozed for maybe 20 minutes. We got home and I woke him up, which was not want he wanted. He was somewhat fussy all evening, on and off. We bathed him, fed him, played with him, and at 7:15 he was done.
He went to bed with no screaming, glory glory hallelujah!!
And slept right through to 5:15 this morning.
Key learning: deprive child of sleep!
Also, his right lateral incisor popped through! He has three teeth! I hope this one grows in a bit before the central teeth pop through, because that would make him look hysterical!!
Does your husband really drink 18 beers a night?
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