One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


My current obsession, because I rotate them on regular basis, is our yard. The people who lived her before us, who, as I've discussed, sucked the major donkey balls on caring for the house (um, you have to DO stuff to it), had not done a whole lot to the outside either. There were juniper bushes all over that were 30ish years old. We had mushroom bushes in the back as well as several other bushes in our small enclosed yard. The amount of area we can fence in is small due to township regulations, and I just don't understand why they'd make that area smaller by planting WITHIN the fenced area.

Anywho, the apple trees (2) on our property yielded apples last year, but they all had moths. I wrote on Oct 10 how to help care for these trees:

February - Prune 5-10 feet off the top of the tree.
April - Spray with dormant oil to prevent/kill codling moths.
April - 10-10-10 fertilizer, 1.5 pounds

We didn't prune. The tree people said the tree was too old for that. But I have sprayed with dormant oil twice so far (it rained soon after I sprayed the first time), so hopefully that will help kill the moths. I may do it once more yet. That and the fertilizer.


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