One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Last night I had a dream in a Discovery special kind of way about 'extraordinary people'. You know, those heart wrenching kind of stories where people overcome obstacles and are uplifted and then they die?

So in this dream the person who was all heroic was a quadriplegic, no doubt a nod to the movie I saw that evening that involved a quadriplegic. And if you know what movie I saw, I'm sorry I ruined it for you.

The quadriplegic in my Discovery dream? Was a skydiver.

Think about it.

And where I woke up, was where the quadriplegic had landed, obviously unable to move, and the parachute was being blown in the wind and dragging them along.


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