No Excuses
I found out this weekend that my gym, which has been receiving my membership dues for the past year while I only visited approximately 3 times (Very. Expensive. Workouts.) offers childcare for children six months and over.
My initial response is Great! I can work out again!, because I went clothes shopping for 4.8 seconds this weekend and the full length mirror and the lighting in the fitting room? Let's just say it was not a good experience and not speak of it again.
This also means they've cut out one of my excuses. Ergh.
But don't worry, they provided me with an out because I have to call and make an appointment with the childcare place. HA HA HA HA laugh all the mommies in the world. Because appointments with an infant are great and hysterical fun. We all wish we could have more appointments, and places to be at certain times with our babies.
I'm going to try and go this evening, though. Wish me luck!
I promise I'm not a spammer! Blogger just randomly sent me to your site this morning, and it's great! You sound like the kind of mom I hope I am. :) Good luck with the gym membership! You're welcome to check out my blog at
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