Late to Work
This morning I was late to work. I didn't oversleep, in fact, I was up before my (mechanical) alarm clock with my (flesh and blood) alarm clock. This didn't even present much of a problem as he hung out in the bathroom while I took my shower. And then while he ate his morning bottle I watched 'My Name is Earl' on DVR, which I still don't think is a great show, but it doesn't suck like so many of the shows out there, so I watch it. Plus, it's already DVR'd.
Tthen I started hanging out with him and we were just chillin', and then Esposo got up, so we were all just chillin', but not as relaxed as that because I still had to get dressed and Esposo had to feed the dog and let her outside (We STILL have the dog. We are STILL trying to find her a new home.), and Luke was alternating between happy and fussy.
But it was a nice morning, and now I'm at work where things are not as nice, and kind of driving me crazy. But in a weird way.
See, I want to apply for a new job at work because I'm tired of this one, but my boss has provided me with virtually no feedback on, well, anything. And it's a weird little company where the upper management has to think as a herd rather than individuals. And there are other things going on like 'commitments' that they may want me to stay in this position to meet. So I have no idea if it would be accepted to want to apply to this other job.
Or what anyone here thinks of me and my performance. (Except for the jerk up top, he no likey me, I no likey him) Now, I received a big award at my last job, so I know I'm capable of doing well. But this environment has sucked a lot out of me.
Anyway, no feedback. No clue. But then my boss tells me she's going on vacation and I'll have signatory power while she's gone on some things. So I assume that means she trusts me to some extent.
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