One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Settling In

Obviously, I am settling into the blogging, because I am swearing more. I was mildly concerned at first that friends and family would be reading and I didn't want them to think I was a horrible potty mouth, but then, I am. I'm just trying not to be because I don't want my son to swear.

Actually, I don't want him to swear as a child. I want him to know the value of forbidden words so that saying 'shit' is as much a rebellion for him as it was for me. Because if I can get away with being "mad" for him being 14 and swearing, rather than for setting the school on fire or tying a sibling/cousin up and dangling them from a second floor window or stealing the car and driving over the lawn?

Let me practice my "mad about swearing face".

In other news, last night Luke was a wee bit insane. After a changing battle in which I had a death grip on one of his naked little legs and was waving something noisy and shiny with the other hand, whilst wishing I had a third had to wipe the kid clean and put a new diaper on, we got to go to baby class. Where he spent the first five minutes ecstatically crawling in a big circle.

I was debating on which stories to tell him when he's older and throwing these temper tantrums:

"You used to have an older brother before I sold him to the gypsies for (insert horrible behavior here)"

Please provide other ideas! I had more, but I forgot them.


Blogger Isabel said...

My best friend and I used to tell her younger sister that thier parents had given their first born away to the library in exchange for a library card and that now all the fisrt borns of every family worked at the library. I am not sure how we came up with this one, but we thought it was hilarious.

This is why we become parents, right? To tell our kids whatever the crap we want to!! :-)

10:25 AM  

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