Refresh, Dammit, Refresh
I bleed internet. It's my lifeline in a dreary desk job (which, I have applied for another job, internally, and am being interviewed, which, hey, step up!). Sometimes, like this morning, when I am just waiting until the next meeting, I roam around the internet looking for new things on my regular haunts and when there aren't any, I just refresh, hoping that something has been missed.
All my emails are through Yahoo!, which has served me well. I won't change, because I've had these emails for 4+ years, and they work well. People from the past can find me, and the best way to find me is email. Yahoo!, though, keeps screwing with me. First, they are frequently trying out new templates on the mail system. And then I can't figure out where to click because I'm expecting to see my old, comfortable, perfectly functional template. And then they're all chipper somewhere on this new page, Do you like our template? Do ya do ya?? and I'm the grumpy old man who says Give me my old template back, you bastards! And yet they keep trying.
Also, Yahoo! has the annoying habit of saying I have a new email even though I have already read the new email they are referring to. Which is where the refresh comes in, because I end up refreshing to make sure that the new email they say I have is actually a new email. And sometimes, even though I refreshed, there's still no new email. Apparently, the system isn't designed to handle people who use Yahoo! email as, essentially, an IM function.
And I don't like IM.
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