I enjoy being a girl!
You know how I was complaining I weigh 2.4 pounds more than I did last Saturday and I was all good and blah blah why don't the diet gods LOVE me?
Today I weighed 3.2 pounds less than yesterday. Which if you do the math, carry the two, divide by seven, take the sin of the interior angle, is 0.8 pounds less than last Saturday.
If you also think real hard you'll realize that this is the day AFTER I weighed in at work, which took place a day later than usual because the weigh-taker was out this week, and think that this happens EVERY STUPID WEEK lately, you'll think I am cranky. Also, I really need to be good this weekend, but the teeny tiny families are bringing every snack known to man for 72 hours that they'll be up in the Dells. And I do mean every snack.
For people who DON'T have snacking issues, they just don't understand. I have severe boredom-snacking issues. Especially in places where I don't have a set list of things to do, like I do at home. Sitting around? Why not eat! Ugh.
If you'll notice that two days ago I commented about how it drove me nuts that the kid who wanted gastric bypass wasn't trying to stop snacking? That's why I think I have some basis to comment on that. Because I almost ALWAYS have to consciously stop myself from snacking or keep myself busy enough to not notice that I'm not snacking. And I still notice. I still think 'I have to wait until 11 to eat lunch' and cheer for every five, ten, or fifteen minutes longer that I don't eat.
I'm doing well right now. Esposo and I are both up 25 pounds from when we first met, and that makes me happy - that I'm not up more than him, comparatively. I have a double standard for myself and my husband - he can gain weight and it doesn't bother me, doesn't make him less attractive in my eyes at all. But I don't think it works the same for me.
So, 25.4 pounds to goal!
10.4 pounds by the end of March is the short term goal...
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