Random, very random
You should never have more than four pennies. If you have more than four pennies you are not MANAGING your penny in/out very well. Like pennies, you should never have more than a dollar in change.
(My husband doesn't spend his change, he gives it to me, so I end up violating both those rules. But I have change for a soda.)
Eyebrows should be tweezed/waxed regularly. I frequently forget that I am from eastern european peasant stock and suddenly notice that my eyebrows are taking over my face. I carry my tweezers with me in my purse so I can tweeze at work and in the car. Which means I frequently can't find my purse when I have time to tweeze at home.
Tweezing hurts, but waxing requires someone else to be involved - ie, appointments, going places, paying money.
I always prefer to do things in a way that doesn't require anything of or from other people. I have very specific ideas about what I need/want to get done and other people do not conform to my schedule. People that I make appointments with do not keep them as well as I would like. This upset me, since I always show up early.
Being a mommy has changed me from 'showing up early' to 'showing up on time'. I suppose I should have sympathy for mommies who show up late because they might once have been on-timers. I don't. Lateness drives me CRAZY.
Related to lateness, poor planning drives me crazy. I can handle an open plan, but things like 'when?' and 'where?' must be somewhat structured or you never GET to 'What?' and 'Who?'.
My house should be cleaner than it is. I hate it a lot. I really hate dirty dishes in my sink and on my counters. I generally like to have counters clear of stuff. They never are, unless I relocate the pile to another part of the house. I don't know what to DO with the pile to make it less pile-y. I go through it a lot and the stuff seems like stuff I should keep, but right now I couldn't tell you what's in the two main piles in my house. One of them has a binder.
Animals should NOT be given up. Yes, I'm back to that, and I'm still upset.
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