One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Days Go By

Every weekend I have a hopeful list of what we will accomplish and do. I have revised my 'To Do' lists to reflect the fact that I want to spend less time on weekends working on my house and more time as a family with my children and husband. So our list for this weekend was short (7 items) and small - hanging blinds or patching a hole, not replacing entire bathroom vanities. We managed to cross three items off and only add two.

My mother called, as she does every day, and let me know that she didn't expect me to go shopping with her. Which is great, especially considering that I hadn't planned on going shopping with her. I don't really get shopping. Here I am, with estrogen and boobs, and the idea of spending a day shopping sounds like a pain in the ass. I think the Consumer Police will come and get me soon... I only go shopping when --required-- because I need certain items, and then I mostly stick to that list. Perhaps I will find something else that inspires me, but in general, it's unlikely.

Instead of shopping, we went to the Botanic Gardens to enjoy the (nicer) weather, where Luke spent the entire time refusing to walk and wanting to be carried. I hadn't brought our double stroller because half (or more) of the intent of going to the gardens was to have Luke run about, tire himself out, and fall asleep in the car on the way home. Fortunately, he acquiesed and slept in the car anyway.

We worked on our list, Luke woke up, Esposo took him out to play, I made dinner, and suddenly it is seven oclock and the weekend is over all over again.


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