Hail to the Orange...
But the Illini, they sucketh.
Luke and Andrew sport their matching Illini gear.
We made a trip the University of Illinois this past weekend, to watch them get soundly beat in the Big Ten opener. We presumed it would be easiest to leave Friday night so Luke would sleep the way down in the car, and then return home in the evening as well. The trip is only two and a half hours, so this seemed like a great plan. We'd get some time to walk around campus (a LOT has changed, much building going on!) and see the old sights.
Friday night was smooth hitting the road. The ride was smooth. We checked in easily. Luke was in a decent mood after sleeping on the trip down.
And then we put him to bed in the Pack N Play. He was NOT happy. He hasn't EVER screamed that much when we've put him to bed, even the first night we used the 'let him cry it out' technique. Luke is a very curious and involved baby, and going to sleep has always been low on his list of things to do. Even when he's in a foul mood, he'd rather stay up than go to sleep.
So we lay there and listened to him scream for about 45 minutes, I'd guess.
He woke up in a good mood, and was pretty good all day long outside in the hot sun (yes, hot sun in September... I was hoping for a cool day) and didn't cry when he found out that the team he was rooting for was really really really bad. So it was a bad trip/good trip kind of weekend.
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