There are a few reasons I wanted to have a blog. One is that I like to write things down. Two, my storytelling abilities need work (though they need more work verbally than written). And three, um, I know there was another reason... oh yeah, I forget things. Writing not only preserves things to be reread, it cements events in my head.
I was reading through my old journals recently, and what struck me about them was what I DIDN'T write. I was prolific with several swear words, which was about the only way I ever rebelled as a child. I wrote about people and events without providing any background. I wrote brazenly and with strong and volatile words like 'hate'.
But I didn't write about my father.
Now, as I write here, my intent is to save moments with people. To remind myself why I love my husband (he got up at three this morning with Luke) and my friends (and I think of one of my best friends who is currently struggling with her father's imminent death) and to remember moments with my son I already want to hold onto forever (this morning I filled the sink with water and let him splash around in it).
Because it goes so fast, and I want to keep it all.
This post sounds like it came from my own thoughts. I'm going to bookmark your site and come back frequently. I got the feeling that we have something in common even though I don't know anything about you.
I started my blog, also, with the hope of remembering the people I love and the things that I do. It's turned into more than that, through the months.
I, too had the bad experience of comment spam...don't you hate that?!
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