They're Killing Fields
I can not believe how upset I am that there will no longer be Marshall Field's in Chicago. I'm so tired of everything being nationwide, I wanted Fields to stay as Fields, and be all Chicago-centric.
Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...
I KNOW. Morons. I mean, I know you New-York-centric think it's going to help, but I have a sneaking feeling Chicagoans are going to boycott.
For some reason i always figured i'd register at field's for my wedding. For my whole life I remember going shopping at Field's... it was always our entry point at woodfield.
As of next fall, not so much. It'll look weird to see Macy's there instead.
Everytime I look at the title of this post, I see 'The Killing Fields' now... all Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge.
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