Baby Food
Yesterday the doctor informed Esposo that we could being feeding Luke eggs - which we already have - and start giving him milk in a sippy cup to make the transfer from formula & bottle to milk & sippy smoother. He'd still get his bottles, but he'd have milk in a sippy with his meals.
My baby is rapidly turning into a toddler! He is, in fact, toddling around the house more actively, even if sometimes he's doing a bear crawl - on his feet and hands, with his legs straight. And he understands when we laugh at him and he laughs along, too. In fact, if we laugh at all, he laughs.
Last night I headed to the couch with some popcorn and the toddler part came out. Luke wanted to eat what I was eating, and he was ticked if I didn't keep it coming. I had to bite the popcorn into manageable pieces to keep those scratchy shell parts that get caught in your teeth from entering my little boy's delicate system, and this slowed the process tremendously. I ended up putting away the popcorn because I got tired of feeding him AND myself. It's a new no-snack plan...
This morning, I made myself some scrambled eggs, and again, the little one headed over and screamed for what mommy was having. I gave him some and he eagerly gobbled it up. Good! Healthy food! Protein! So I headed into the kitchen, popped him in his feeding chair and gave him some cheerios while I scrambled up an egg just for him.
You already see the ending again, don't you?
OF COURSE he didn't want his OWN scrambled egg. Even when I tried to mix in the cheerios and eggs in one big mess, he deliberately picked out the cheerios. And if egg made it to his mouth, it was summarily rejected and came out the same way it went in.
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