One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Internet at Work

I screw around on the internet an awful damn lot at work. My entire work experience (at least, that which I have had internet access for, say the past six years) I have been waiting for some boss to come up and yell at me "GET OFF THE DAMN INTERNET!"

And they never do. In fact, my favorite screwing around on the internet story is when not my boss, but my boss' boss, came up behind me whilst I played some Yahoo! game and said "Ooh! I haven't played that one yet!" That and the review which was something to the effect of 'Yeah, I see you screwing around on the internet, but I don't care because you meet your goals.' kept me pretty safe at my previous job.

Here, my boss is the ultimate avoider, so I expect to never hear anything from her unless I am eventually fired for internet usage. To which I might say 'Try a little MOTIVATION!' (to inspire me to work 8+ hours a day).

I have some motivation this week. Two projects are rapidly approaching completion. I have spent 90% of today working on said projects, with only brief forays to the internet to break my sad little brain (which is having a big ol' case of the Mondays) between tasks.

And yet, still, my boss comes up behind me when I am reading on the internet (about the Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe... I am TOO excited to see that!!)

Who wrote the rule that thy boss must approacheth thy desk and see thee on the internet even if thee hast been working thyself blind for six hours?

Thees, Thys, and Thous? Fun to use!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This happens to me often, 'cept its usually my boss' boss' boss' boss, who doesn't even know my name, but I'm evil for playing Snood the last ten minutes of the day.

2:10 PM  

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