One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

New Year Resolutions

I am a sucker for resolutions. They just sound so pretty and hopeful and I make them all the time. Sometimes they work. That keeps me coming back for more!

My number one resolution is to kick start this weight loss thing. I've been stalled since early August, and holiday pictures are less than flattering. I have two goals: 1 lose ten pounds before Luke's birthday, when there will be another round of photographing, and 2 lose about 17 pounds before The Podiatrist's wedding in March. That final weight would make me pretty happy for awhile, I think, as this weight made me content for a few months. Gaining 50 pounds in pregnancy made me appreciate my body even if it is overweight. It's not THAT overweight.

Number two resolution is to cut back the caffeine. I had been drinking about 60 ounces of soda a day, I would guess. Far too much. I think soda for lunch ought to be plenty.

Number three resolution is to cook more and bring my lunch more often.

Number four resolution is to exercise at least twice a week.

All of these are ultimately related to the same thing, my body, and focusing on getting it in better shape. Because by the end of 2006? I should be pregnant again, and I want to be better physically prepared this time.


Blogger Isabel said...

Your goals for 2006 sound great. And very "do-able".

I agree, that is a lot of soda. Drinking more water will really help with getting your body in shape.

Good luck and Happy New Year!

6:33 PM  
Blogger *lynne* said...

heyya, all the best for those resolutions! I've never "believed" in making resolutions at the New Year; however, I *do* have all these pounds (40 of 'em!) that I need/want/have to shed if I wanna be happy with how I feel/look... right now I hate the sight of me in any photo taken in the last 1.5 years or so... sigh... :-( I hope we both get to achieve our weight goals in 2006 :-)

12:20 AM  

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