It would be nice to have one of those "Reading" sidebar things, but that would require updating it with what I am reading, and that's a huge challenge. I don't generally note the title of books I'm reading, and I don't care to start. Particularly when it comes to the mystery-chick lit crap I read. See, it's crap. I know it's crap. It's okay, we don't need to read LITeratchoooor all the time.
But I get sick of the mystery-chick lit, too. And the chick lit EMBEDDED in mystery (thank you, Janet Evanovich). Blah blah blah. They are abrasive to each other. They will fall madly in love. Formula much?
At my latest Bookcrossing meeting, I got a boatload of books from another member who I am essentially using as a library. See, she also hearts the mystery and chick lit, but she branches out. And it's that she's branching out that makes me heart her.
Last week I came home with Blackbird and Still Waters by Jennifer Lauck. Autobiographical. The first book only covers 12 years of her life. Can the first twelve years of your life be covered in a book? Bad things happen to her, unimaginably so. Some sexual abuse, but those events are almost asides to the rest of her messed up life. She continues her story in Still Waters and she turns out normal. And sane. And that, is amazing.
Now I'm reading The Professor and the Madman, also a true story, about two of the people who helped write the Oxford English Dictionary. Seriously.
A few weeks of this and I'll need some fluff again!
"fluff" yeah, i know what you mean.. those seem like pretty "heavy" books you've tackled recently! Me, I haven't touched a book since I got back to Malaysia a week ago... have been choosing to rack my brains on "kakuro" during my downtime. Will probably "balance" myself with books in a week or two :D
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