Pissing Match
I used to work in a quiet part of the building with all the finance people. We had this large open space that inspired everyone to act like it was a library and talk in hushed tones. I parked by the front door (I think it's actually the 'West Door'). It didn't matter when I arrived to work because there weren't that many people parking up there.
Then they moved us to be close to the manufacturing floor. It's much louder here because people are planning things, equipment is running, forklifts are driving by, beeping their horns. Working at this desk, I come in the South Door. Which is where everyone who works on the manufacturing floor comes in. And many of our manufacturing employees are temporary from "The Agency" and they arrive on a bus together in the morning. Which means if I get here at the wrong time I have to face 60-80 people checking in before the shift starts.
The ideal time to get here is slightly after the shift starts, when everyone from the previous shift has left and more parking spots are open.
This morning I got here as many people were arriving, which means I couldn't pop in immediately and get my Diet Coke. In the 20 ounce bottle, with the mycokerewards codes in them. Which I'm collecting, so I can get a beach towel or some equally useless prize. But it diverts me from the work at hand.
Anyhoo, I waited until 7:20 to head over and get my Diet Coke, passing by a management dude as he walked in. He typically arrives at the slightly past shift time and parks right up front. I am still wearing my coat because our office is cold, and as I passed him and did the nod-smile-hello, I thought Maybe he thinks I'm just getting here?
Which made me think about the heady days of my youth and premarriage, prebaby, when work involved odd and sometimes long hours. And the engineers would all get in pissing matches as to who had worked longer and weirder hours. I never won.
Dear Elisette,
I'm contacting you to offer an opposing view to Jennifer Lauck's "Blackbird". My name is Jonathan; you would know me as Christopher, Jenny's step-brother.
Jennifer fabricated her history ala James Frey. Please feel free to visit the blog www.blackbirdthetruth.blogspot.com if you've an interest in exploring the veracity of Jennifer's fiction.
jonathan lantry
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