Sleep, Glorious Sleep
Esposo has left for the weekend - I'm here alone with Luke. Luke's not even awake yet this morning, though, and I'm up because I can no longer sleep. I was never a huge sleeper. Even as a teenager I wasn't able to sleep until 2 in the afternoon like my brother, getting up usually between 10 and 11.
When I was living with Psycho roommate, I slept a lot to avoid her. And then I moved into my own place and started working out near daily and needed a good solid 7-8 hours of sleep.
As I'm getting older, though, I'm finding I just can't sleep. I was busy - moving around a lot - all last evening, and went to bed at 10. I was up at 4:20 this morning. If I felt supremely rested, I suppose this would be a fabulous thing - look, 6 hours of sleep! I can get so much more DONE! But I don't. I still feel tired and I want to fall back into bed until, oh, I don't know, 6 maybe? Do I ask too much?
Today we're schlepping a carload of stuff to a friend's garage sale. This has done a lot to empty out my garage and I'm pretty excited about seeing it go - and hopefully getting $100 - $200 cash for it! I like cash.
I'm not sure what to do with myself now, though. There's something sick and wrong about cleaning at 5:22 in the morning.
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