Money has always been a difficult topic for me, because I don't have a rational relationship with money. As a child, when I played 'house' with my dolls, I (as the mommy) went off to work each day, and I paid myself in a wage in pennies, and then my doll family and I would go buy things at the store while we saved to buy a new house. I got raises in my imaginary job and then we'd have more 'take home pennies' and would be able to afford more stuff.
Is that weird? It seems kind of weird.
I've never been in debt (besides the good debt, you know, a mortgage) or reached a critical stage with money. I don't know if I could handle it, because now, as I support our little family while my husband goes to school, and our monetary situation isn't going in a positive direction, I completely lose it at times. I panic.
My husband and I were discussing finances last night, and how we really have cut down to the basics. I've actually become much better about bringing my lunch to work, which is something I hate to do. But we also signed up for DVR through our cable company, which is an extra $10 a month. I figure I can easily make that up by bringing my lunch four days a month.
This has made me a wee bit, um, shall we say, crazy? Because it's now turned into a challenge for me to see how little money I can spend on non-essentials. I've spent $1.50 this week.
I win!
Hi, Elisette!
DVR: We have Tivo with DirecTV and the cost has been well spent. We save time and money--commercials fly by at the speed of light and movies purchased on PPV can be recorded and saved on your view list. Our DVD collection is smaller and I am not complaining!
Update: $2.05 right now (Fri 9:15 AM), but I don't think I brought enough caffeine...
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