One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Weight Watching

Does the new format scare you? It kind of scares me, but as I am nearing hit three thousand, I thought it was time to do something momentous. See? Momentous.

With my whole 0.2 pound weight loss, I thought I was only 0.4 pounds from being the least I had weighed since B.P. (Before Pregnancy). I logged onto one of my websites at which I have record keeping of previous diets and saw one dated August '05. In which I weighed ONE pound less than I currently do, and dammit, now that's the number I have to wait to celebrate.

If you've never had to watch your weight, I know you don't understand this well. I also hate you a little bit, because I've always been "on the heavy side". I wasn't made fun of for being fat, at least, I don't think I was, though the seventh grade girls in my year of hell did ask me "Are you a model?", which was either mocking my looks or my clothes... or both. I'm not really sure, I never fully got how they intended to mock me, but payback was swift because the truly evil ones faded into the background even in high school, having achieved their glory days at the ripe age of 13.

I remember my first successful diet my freshman year of high school, when I did sit ups in my room to the tune of 100 or so per night. I may have also done jumping jacks, but what I clearly remember is the sit ups. I don't remember what I did for dieting either, but I managed to lose about 15 pounds, and when my English teacher noticed, I was truly excited.

Many diet programs tell you that you're supposed to focus on your dress size (which, for me, is smaller than my pants size, so I choose to monitor the pants), and think about feeeeling better. Which is all well and good and does provide some motivation on a basic, I should drink more water, level. But it doesn't inspire me to eat less or even exercise more.

Me? I'm a calorie counter. If I had the money to spend and there was a device that could tell me EXACTLY how many calories I burned in each 24 hour period (is there?), I would take that. And log that. And chart it three different ways.

I weigh myself daily, and virtually everytime I tell someone this, they tell me that your weight fluctuates and you're not supposed to weigh yourself everyday. But I so desperately need the number. I need the number to cheer or berate myself.

And so, knowing that I am 1 number from the smallest I have been in years is pretty exciting. And 2.4 pounds after that is the weight at which I committed to myself to allow myself to try on pants and shirts in hopes of something old fitting again.

Sorry for the weight loss entry, I'm sure it's like salt in a wound for many of you. But eff you, it's my blog.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:09 PM  
Blogger Isabel said...

Good for you!!! I did my first diet last year and was so happy with's good to feel good and to feel good about yourself.

1:52 PM  
Blogger *lynne* said...

yikes! I thought I'd clicked to the wrong site at first... well the look *is* different - and congrats in advance for that next 1lb loss :-) u go, girl!!

5:42 PM  
Blogger Elisette said...

As Bartles and James would say, Thank you for your support!!

10:01 AM  

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