One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Friday, January 20, 2006

You need this for your baby!

Okay, you don't NEED to have this, but it's one of those things that I thank God for when I use it. Baby Einstein videos. We only own three - Baby Beethoven, Baby Mozart, and Baby Wordsworth. I don't think we'll be getting more than that, because we don't watch them every day.

This morning, Luke woke up at 5, which dammit, we put you to bed at 7:30, a full two hours later than you had gone to bed earlier this week and you woke up AT THE SAME TIME??? However, he woke up in a bad bad mood. Bad mood. An I-Don't-Want-The-Bottle mood, a Hold-Me-While-I-Scream mood. When I put him down to change his wet night diaper, he screamed and reached his little arms toward me. I could only get the old diaper off before he was up and crawling in my arms.

So now I was holding a smoking gun against my shirt, and he was having none of this laying down to be dressed. On went the Baby Beethoven.

Within a minute, he had calmed down enough so that I could diaper him, and then we sat on the couch, Luke happily snuggled into my lap. Every minute or so, he pronounced Da! at something on the video, and when older little girls played on the toy piano or drums, Luke smiled.

A huge change in a few minutes.

I know there are people who are desperately against any TV for their babies. I assume they have a much greater tolerance for a child who won't be put down, but still pushes against your chest with hands and feet while you're holding him. I hate trying to do that.


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