One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

nect.. dis.. con... ed

I keep trying to sit down and write something but my attention span isn’t up to forming words and making sense. We headed to Boston over the weekend, abandoning Luke at Grandma’s house. The good news is, he didn’t really notice we were gone. I suppose that’s good news, it means he loves his Grandma and feels safe and happy with her. But a FEW tears wouldn’t be so bad, huh, kid?

Morning sickness has taken over with a vengeance in my life. I’ve found that THIS baby REALLY doesn’t like nachos or Mexican or anything with cheesy, gooey goodness. I don’t think those things went over well with Luke, either, but it’s worse this time.

I’m reading Jodi Piccoult – I finished Plain Truth and My Sister’s Keeper in the past few days, and while I like her writing and the topics of her books – they’re deeper than the usual mystery types – there are glaring omissions that make me mutter and grumble. As in, why aren’t they talking to THAT person!?

Work seems interminable. I don’t know how I’ve managed to NOT quit, but my boss seems to think I’m staying through October/November – which was the date I gave when we didn’t have any new people coming in! Now we have two! Let me go! I know, the money is good, pad that bank account a bit more, and maybe we can get new windows in the house. But oh how I hate coming here.


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