One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Not Winning a Parenting Award

I don't really understand how people blog on a regular basis - I try to, but the children either suck my brain through my ears so I can't think, or, as just happened now, Courtney pressed a key and deleted an entire post. And as she waved her hands at me I said "No, I don't want to hold you right now!" and she burst into tears.

I rock at parenting. Also at my other random obligations. Do you know how many people I owe phone calls and emails to? Too damn many.

Also, my almost 15 month old still has a bottle a day. And my son, at 9:15 AM, is on at least his third episode of Maggie and the Ferocious Beast. And I can't stop eating to lose more than a pound every month. This is apparently my list of 'how I am sucking today'. Fun, ain't it? I wish there were an easy answer to make everything fall in line - like a babysitter once a week, something simple and straighforward. But that's not it, it's just, well, life. And sometimes life is easy and sometimes your kid wakes up at 5 AM even as you're in the midst of the best damn sleep you've had in weeks.


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