One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Each week for approximately the past month I've told myself that this week, we're going to get to church. They even added a 9:30 service this fall, so we have three Sunday morning options (one of them being 8 AM, so that's not quite the option I'm going for).

We both knew we wanted to raise our children with religion. You can't make a choice without knowing what religion is about, and while I wouldn't say that church and youth groups were a major part of my childhood, they were still an important part. So, after we had moved and then Luke was born, we found a church to attend (Lutheran) and joined up.

It's a very active church. There are bible study groups, and missions and a teen band sang at a service. It's a bit much for me, after a good ten or so year gap in regular church attendance. I'm low key about God, and they're all in yo' face with the Bible and Jesus. Not to mention that I disagree on some fundamental points.

So church has not yet become a solid part of our lives. I think of it as us wading in slowly to a very very cold lake. Right now we're up to our ankles. Which is better than a year ago, when we were vaguely aware that there was a lake somewhere.

Of course, getting my son to church requires that I go to church. And again, it is something I want him to have, so I have to make it a priority. Maybe I could get them to offer 'Church Lite' - half an hour long, sing some songs, talk a little about Jesus, maybe make a craft... oh wait, I guess that's Sunday School.


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