One More Mommy

Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...

Monday, October 10, 2005


Whee! Posting like mad on a mental deficient day at work...

I love to travel. I'm a dork, I just like to see different places and wander the streets. When I travel, I hit museums, I take public transportation, I ask really stupid questions. It takes me completely out of any stereotype I may need to fit into at home, and turns me into a tourist. I try new things when I travel. And I particularly like to travel to places where I don't speak the language. Because speaking the language makes it all too easy.

As we now have a child, and one job that doesn't quite cover all our expenses (one job is not meant to pay for daycare, too), we haven't been anywhere since May of 2004. Which is really slowing things down for me, since I went on 3-4 trips a year minimum, and one of those was overseas.

Admittedly today, I don't feel like travelling. Today I feel like crap, so the idea of putting clothes in a bag and heading to an airport sounds as fun as bamboo shoots under my fingernails. But most days I'd be all excited about the idea.

Travel for me is not a beach and sun. That's actually a slight version of torture for me - unproductive, repetitive, and uneventful. That's my day to day life anyway! Plus, I'm fair - so my skin burns, pudgy - so who wants to be exposed?, and excessive heat makes me sleepy. And I can sleep at home.

We had toyed around with the idea of a trip to Seattle, but there weren't enough vacation days left for me - maternity leave cuts into your time off. I don't know when I'll be travelling again. There was talk of Vegas, but that's been cut off. Then there's the potential of "an island" for a wedding... but beyond that, we haven't talked about anything.


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