I believe you can get me through the ni-iiiiight!
I can't remember the last time I heard this song, and yet, it is in my head. Thanks Wayne's World. Thanks.
Thoughts of a mom and her husband, son, daughter, pets, friends, job (or lack thereof), house, family, trying to be more ecologically aware...
I believe you can get me through the ni-iiiiight!
I am feeling a bit of a trainwreck today. (More on trainwrecks later...) I'm wearing a short sleeve light tan v neck sweater. Washing my hands in the bathroom, I noticed that when I lean over, I sport a slight double boob. Sh*t. Must rearrange the girls. I am also announcing to everyone that the turkey is done and I am available for glass cutting needs. I had to pop into a stall and craft some padding from toilet paper and shift around a bit. All is well!
Sort of!
Apparently not many people I know can DO. Because I know a hell of a lot of teachers. I was thinking, hm, I know three off the top of my head... no, four... five... six... and then I stopped... seven... counting. Three community college, two high school, two junior high, two elementary, two special ed (yes, the special ed overlaps, but I'm up to nine teachers I know...). At least three of them did not start off intending to be teachers and instead went back for degrees after working a bit in non-teaching roles.
As a way to pass time, I often google search people. The kids I went to elementary school with (no luck) and ex boyfriends (a few are lost with all too common names) and then there's that one particular girl I went to high school with. Who went to Harvard.
Several pople have commented in the past week or two that I look like I've lost weight. I'm assuming that the mere power of my mind thinking about weight loss is causing this, because I certainly haven't actually lost any weight. When I have lost a few pounds, I have no problem just saying "Thank you, I've been trying." when people make a comment to that effect. When I haven't my reaction is more of the "Wh-Wha? You crazy!", which is not the best way to be polite in conversation.
The best thing about a moms group is that you can do things with your kids without feeling as if you're slowly losing your mind. Going to the park with a toddler is fun, but the shelf life on pushing a child on the swing is a lot shorter when you have only that (non-verbal) child to talk to. Many of our mom group events are simply park dates and play dates, a time for moms to chat and play while the kids “gain valuable interpersonal skills”, not to mention wear themselves out so they'll go in their car seats and cribs and other containment devices willingly.
Five years ago, I was running three miles a day, five days a week. I was perhaps the fittest I had ever been in my life, though it's hard to compare high school to anything, because you're young and nubile.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under 2 view NO television. Apparently the AAP has never had an inconsolably and squirmy child that calmed right down to the sounds and sights of Baby Einstein. When Luke was immobile (which was over 10 months ago, so really, that's a distant memory) I put him in the swing a couple times with Baby Einstein on and he calmed down and fell asleep.
In my usual internet rounds on my LAST MONDAY AT WORK, WOOT WOOT, I saw a reference to True Wife Confessions, and I thought, hey this could be funny or commiserate-y! I like Post Secret (link on the blogroll) because it is both funny and poignant.
Another trek this past weekend to the family lake house. It was a lazy weekend, with some bocce, some horseshoes, and some fire sitting. Also, belligerant Esposo, no weekend is complete without some of that. I lie, THERE IS NO NEED FOR BELLIGERANT ESPOSO! *sigh*
Okay, this is odd, but this is my new work hobby. You know those My Coke Rewards things? If you have codes from the caps and 24 packs and aren't using them? Could I get them? Thanks :)
Luke and I spent yesterday afternoon in a park meeting up with six other moms and eight other children from our internet mom group. In classic 2006 style, it took an internet group to meet someone who lives - no lie - four houses down from me on the same side of the street.
When the people of the world have all been wiped out because we do something tremendously stupid or just slowly asphixiate our planet, I think it's going to take about 4 years for all of our buildings and roads to be covered by plant life.
But I clearly remember the one time my brother, he of the ever rational and logical choices and NO that's not sarcasm, decided to pound his fist on the brand new tube of toothpaste and it broke out the sealed end and I think he scraped the toothpaste back in and sealed the end of the tube with duct tape, thus RUINING the brand new tube of toothpaste, which is one of my favorite things.
My mother recently moved from a four bedroom house she had been in for 17 years to three bedroom condo. While packing, she encountered books in odd corners of her house, as if they were sneaking off to secretly multiply. Many of her books were my grandfathers, and they are interesting for their viewpoints (as in the book from Concordia Lutheran arguing against Darwinism from 1918) and just their age.
I started blogging because sometimes I like to write. It's nice to write stuff just for me and not for anyone else, except that maybe I'd like it to be understandable. And also proofread, but don't tell me about misspellings (especially the other day when I put THEIR instead of THEY'RE - thank God I fixed that before Esposo saw it for the mocking would have been painful) because I KNOW I'm not good at typing.
We had someone stop by our place last night to provide us with an estimate for finishing our basement. We had visions of a bathroom, an office, a storage room, and a bar. Open play spaces...
In general, I don’t give a crap what other people want to do with their lives. My philosophy is ‘just don’t bother me’. Don’t preach to me, don’t proselytize, don’t lecture. My mother could tell you about how from a very early age I was very bad at the listening.
This past Saturday Esposo and I went to a wedding. My MIL babysat Luke overnight, leaving us baby-free all Sunday (Father's Day) morning.
A friend was hosting a party this weekend, and she was very disappointed that a lot of people who had said they were coming backed out close to the party. I felt bad for her, and told her that it happens all the time. Everytime I plan a party, I have people who don't show or who leave me hanging until the last minute. I've learned to deal with this, though.
I often get stressed out about things, about money, about my weight, about how clean my house is, but I know that my life isn't hard. I know I could have a lot more problems, and I try to laugh at the things that may be stressful in my life. When I tell a story about things going awry (like locking my keys in my running car) (for two hours) (and not even knowing it until someone mentions my lights were on) I don't tell them so people can sympathize with me. I hope they'll laugh at me, because generally the stupid shit in life is funny.
Highlights of today:
We have these cats, I will call them 'Moxy' and 'Simba', as those are their names, and if you wanted to steal them, there's no way Simba is going to come if a random person calls him, and Moxy will amble over even if you call him 'Worthless lump of cat fat'. Which explains something of their personalities but not much.
Color me shocked.
Luke is struggling to get past a summer cold and has coughing fits in the early morning hours. He's sleeping a little later to make up for this lost time, and this morning I actually picked him up and rocked him while he dozed in my arms. I woke him up gently and after he rubbed his eyes and looked around, he pointed at the bookshelves and said "buh" (book).
This is a given. Everyone was a brat at some point and their mother wanted to tie them to the bed and tell them to JUST TAKE A NAP BECAUSE DAMMIT YOU WILL NOT BE SUCH A PILL AFTER A NAP. Or something to that effect.
Sometimes I don't feel like writing. That's when I'm particularly whiny about people not emailing me, even if they haven't emailed me solely because they emailed last and really it's my turn. Continue to amuse me, please. Except for you, who keeps emailing "I'm bored." because I don't feel like typing. And I get all excited for an email only for the entire email to read "I'm bored."? This does nothing for MY state of boredom, so if you want me to assist on the boredom I need you to tell me about the tarantula dream you had or something.
Growing up, my weekends were lazy. We didn't do a whole lot, maybe went to the store, watched some TV, rented a movie. Then I joined the soccer team, and got a job, and my weekends became more hectic, but still nothing overwhelming. Post college, weekends were again lazy - waking up, hitting the store, drinking until 3 or 4 AM, and then trying to recover from the hangover before work on Monday.
I picked up Luke from daycare yesterday afternoon and was presented with an incident report to sign. Given that this is the third incident report I’ve had to sign since Luke moved into the toddler room three weeks ago, I wasn’t overly surprised. This time, he was bit three times on his right arm. This is the second incident where he's been bit.